Bellagio's Travel Logs
Sails must come down. The trick is to do this job when the wind is quiet. Unusually, the bay was windy up to dark but where there is a will there is a way. The foresail came down in the morning of Tuesday but during the procedure the winds picked up so we had to haul it down below to fold it. Then on Wednesday the winds were lighter and we pulled the main sail off in the morning but with much less effort. Wednesday night by dark the bay was calm enough for us to haul up the outboard motor and dinghy. Alhrough the week I spent time washing almost every inch of the boat with vinegar and water. Hopefully that helps with any mold and mildew that might happen. A jug of Home Zone was purchased to help with the bugs, mold and mildew. What is Home Zone? Well its a powder that you place on paper plates throughout your boat just before its closed up. The product will control pests, mold, mildew odour up to 6 months. This year we will not have A/C and we won't have anyone looking in on the boat so the less things that can go wrong the better. Power goes out, boat hatches could be left open you name it we will try to eliminate any eventualities that could cause problems. ...readmore

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